Monday, October 27, 2008

Breathtaking riverside

Every time i promise my self to blog daily - i fail to find time for it. 
Since my last post (which was actually the first in this series) till today - lots of things have happened, will dump it all in this post.

Barog trip (7 - 11th oct) - was full on adventure, started from office late night in a bus that was well stocked with chilled draught beer and other substances of intoxication. We were a big gang as teams from all other territories had flown in for this trip + the sales review + most importantly it was the final chance for most people to spend time with Kumar Apoorv but not me. haha!

Barog is really a beautiful place, but only if u love nature, are prepared not to bathe under the shower - rather jump in a river. Just try and imagine this:
  • You go from a place like Delhi which is hot and humid
  • Land up at the river side where water is so clear that you can see the pebbles on river bed
  • You step in the chilling water, Ly down.... cold water streams stiffening your muscles....above you is the clear sky with hills running on both sides of the river and the reddish sun going down the one hand holds a beer and the other one helps me trip!!
 Trippy Barog it was !!

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